In a rough style, by way of unique footage, the brutal consequences of modern wars are exposed. The film also depicts the ability of women and children to handle their everyday life after a dramatic war experience. Many of them live in tents or in ruins without walls or roofs. They are all in need of money, food, water and electricity. Others have lost family members, or are left with seriously injured children. Can war solve conflicts or create peace? The film follows three children through the war and the period after the ceasefire. (IMDB)
Im looking forward to watch this film (and still finding download -able source). Its Arabic speaking documentary and produced by Norwegian (is it? TBH im not so sure..)
Ya Allah,selamatkan lah saudara2 kami di bumi GAZA dan bumi umat2 ISLAM yg lain.hancurkanlah musuh ISLAM di muka bumiMU ini.Kurniakan lah kami iman yg mantap untuk m'perjuangkan Agama MU.Jadikan kami insan yg sentiasa tidak gentar m'pertahankan akidahMU ya Allah..