Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Mad Men (Season 4)

I just watched the finale of 4th season of Mad Men (on AMC Channel).

The debut season are quite dire, but showed some promises. I've take a long break before resume the 2nd season, and surprisingly it's becoming more interesting and interesting. 3rd and 4th season maintained the continuity and it fast becoming my favourite series. I'll anticipate the 5th season greatly.

My prediction for 5th season.

Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce (SCDP)
This agency will rise and prosperous after disaster spell in the end of 4th season. Don geniuses will drive them forward.

Don sudden proposal to Megan are shocked outcome to most audiences. Dr Faye seem the perfect match for Don, but Megan stole Don's heart when she nannying Don's kids during trip to California. I dont think Don-Megan relationship /future marriages will last longer. Megan didn't seem as a right woman to tame Don, but I don't mind to see this prediction goes wrong. I fond her character especially seeing her bonding with Sally (and Sally acting are really great)

If Don becoming more responsible and faithful man, this the sign for the end of this series.

Peggy and Joan
They seem to form good alliance. Woman's power to aid Don or to conquer SCDP for themselves. Peggy continue to rise and be an instrumental part for the company. Dr Harris die in Vietnam and Joan continue her life as a tough single mother.

He will fulfill his dream 'to die on 20 years old wife'.

She will realized no matter how bad Don to her, marrying Henry are not the right move for her and her kids. Betty will have an affair with another man or find her way to Don again.

He will quit SCDP and form /join another company. He'll be clash head-to-head with Don, and Don's dark secret will be at risk.

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